Early Childhood Education Resources

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This is a link to Rusty Keeler's blog. He creates natural playscapes for children.

This is a link to the Early Childhood Research and Practice journal. This journal is edited by Lilian Katz. It's current issue discusses STEM with eight articles addressing what STEM is and how to make it work.

Dan Gartrell is an author of several books and articles on guidance, managing behaviors, and encouraging understanding of boys needs in early childhood. Here are a couple of links to my favorite articles.
This one is called "Guidance Matters", http://www.naeyc.org/files/yc/file/200609/GuidanceBTJ.pdf.
This one is called "Beyond Rules to Guidelines", https://secure.ccie.com/exchangeaccess/articles.php?article_id=5019452&action=view.

I'll get some more up soon. I hope to get some up about encouraging boys in the early childhood classroom.

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