Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Family Culture- EDUC 6164

A catastrophic event has taken place in my home country and for survival purposes I will be placed in a country with which I am unfamiliar with the language or culture. Besides the clothes on my back, I am allowed to bring with me, three small personal items. I would choose a picture of my family, a locket of my great-grandmother's, and my journal.

My family is very important to me and I would be quite devastated if I were not able to see them possibly ever again. The thought of that is quite terrifying. I believe that I would find some comfort in their photograph. We have always supported each other through rough times and calm waters. Not knowing the language or the culture of the country I will be placed in will certainly cause me to fee saddened and frustrated. Viewing this picture would give me a way to deal with those emotions as I remember the close bond we had together.

My great-grandmother was the strongest person I have ever known. She was born in 1921. She lived through some seriously difficult times. She buried two husbands, both of her children, two grand children, and one great-grandchild. Events such as these that would destroy other people only made her stronger. I loved hearing her stories of the past, of all of her experiences. I thought the day she died would have been the saddest day of my life, but before she passed she whispered, "Mandy, don't be sad. My passing will only make you stronger." Of course, I thought she was just trying to make it easy for me, but later I was able to use the things I had learned from her to make better decisions, and yes, to make me stronger. The locket reminds me of her strength, and it often helps me through troubling times.

Finally, I would bring my journal. I write in it when the mood strikes me. I'll write about something interesting, silly, comical, or life-altering that happened during a particular time. Sometimes, I jot down dreams that I have had or that I want to pursue. Often I write down ideas I have about work, training, or just random thoughts about life in general.  I would bring my journal for two reasons. One reason is to have what I have written in the past to read and relive those moments. A second reason is to write down new thoughts and observations. It will help me remember my past and figure out my present.

If I had to give up two of the three items, I believe I would be very emotionally torn on which item to take.I don't know that I could choose one without feeling guilty about leaving the others behind. I believe if I was forced, I would take my journal. It has written in it all of the descriptions of the other items so I would not forget them. I would essentially still have my other items, just in a different form. I may find some comfort in this, but I imagine it would only be a small amount.

I always knew that my family meant a great deal to me. They shaped who I am today and continue to influence my life. I also knew that I would see some differences between what I value and what others in my culture and in different cultures value. Religion in all of its many forms, is of high priority and value to many people of many different cultures. I find comfort in my family the way others find comfort in their God(s). It is a difference I have grown to respect over many years. 


  1. Hi Amanda

    I agree with you that it would be a devastating experience to be limited to taking only one thing to an unfamiliar place. Seems your journal would serve to be very therapeutic in helping you adjust to your new environment.

  2. Amanda, great post. I also wrote about my grandmother who was a very influential person in my life. She was also one of the greatest people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. She loved everyone, hated no one and was a great listener. I miss her greatly and wish that she was here to see my daughter grow up to be a woman. I will always hold her dear to my heart.

  3. Amanda, though I did not write about my grandmother but your post brought back memories of her. She was a strong woman who went through a lot. I remember the day she past on in my younger sister's arm with my brother and I by her. She lived with us most of her life and she will forever be remembered.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Amanda

    I enjoyed reading your post. I thought you would pick the locket if you only could take one thing. But I understand the reason you choose the journal. I am sure you would have a lot to write about being in a different country with a different language. Having a journal is a great way to document your experiences.

  5. Amanda,
    Good that you choose your journal because one will feel devastating to leave an important document. The contents of the journal cannot be replaced and can be passed down the generational line. It is also good that you have your grandmother’s strength in troubling times. I choose my laptop computer because I already have my important information all downloaded in the system and having encountered similar incident with my family during hurricane Katrina 2005, I knew I had to start the process of getting new documents and contacting family members to see if they could give me pictures to make out a photo album.
